Best Coffee For Cold Brew Starbucks: The Ultimate Guide to Unbeatable Flavor




Best Coffee For Cold Brew Starbucks

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Craving a refreshing cold brew from Starbucks but wish you could recreate it at home? I totally get it, as I’ve also gone through the struggle of perfecting that rich and smooth coffee. Today, we will look at the best coffee for cold brew Starbucks drinks.

In fact, did you know that Starbucks uses a unique blend of 70% Colombian Supremo and 30% eastern African beans for their cold brew? This article will guide you on how to produce your very own tasty Starbucks-style cold brew using different types of coffee beans available in the market.

Let’s dive right into brewing!

Key Takeaways

  • Starbucks uses a unique blend of 70% Colombian Supremo and 30% eastern African beans for their cold brew.
  • Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cool water for an extended period of time, resulting in a smoother and less acidic taste compared to hot brewed coffee.
  • Medium roast coffee beans like Pike Place Roast and dark roast favorites like Kenya African Blend and Colombia are great options for making cold brew with Starbucks coffee at home.
  • Making cold brew with Starbucks coffee involves grinding the beans, combining them with cold water, letting it steep for 12 to 24 hours, straining the mixture, diluting if desired, and serving over ice.

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a method of brewing coffee that involves steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in room temperature or cold water for an extended period of time, typically 12 to 24 hours.

Difference between cold brew and iced coffee

Cold brew and iced coffee are not the same. Cold brew gets made by steeping coarse ground coffee in cool water for 20 hours at Starbucks. This process gives it a light, smooth taste with hints of brown sugar but no actual sugar.

It also has more caffeine – a grande has 205 mg! On the other hand, iced coffee is just regular hot-brewed coffee that cools down before adding ice to it. The flavor can change based on how long you let it sit and cool before icing it, but it usually has less caffeine than cold brew – only about 165 mg in a grande size at Starbucks.

Benefits of cold brew

Cold brew coffee has many benefits, such as:

  1. Less acidity: Cold brew is less acidic compared to hot brewed coffee, which means it’s easier on your stomach and teeth.
  2. Smooth flavor: The slow brewing process extracts the flavors in a different way, resulting in a smooth and mellow taste.
  3. Lower bitterness: Cold brews are typically less bitter than traditional hot brewed coffee, making it more enjoyable for those who prefer a milder flavor profile.
  4. Longer shelf life: Since cold brew is made with cold water instead of hot water, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks without losing its freshness.
  5. Versatility: Cold brew can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for various recipes like iced lattes, frappes, or even cocktails.

The Best Starbucks Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

Starbucks offers a range of coffee beans that are perfectly suited for cold brew, including medium roast varieties like Pike Place Roast and dark roast favorites like Kenya African Blend and Colombia.

Medium roast coffee

For cold brew coffee, medium roast coffee beans are a great choice. They have a balanced flavor profile that is not too strong or too light. Medium roast beans give the cold brew a smooth and slightly sweet taste, which is perfect for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor.

Starbucks offers various medium roast options for cold brew, including Pike Place Roast and Kenya African Blend. These coffees are carefully crafted to bring out their unique flavors when brewed slowly in cool water.

So if you’re looking to make the best cold brew at home, consider using medium roast coffee beans from Starbucks.

Dark roast coffee

I really enjoy using dark roast coffee for cold brew. It adds a rich and bold flavor to the drink, which I find quite delicious. Dark roasted coffee beans are roasted for a longer time, resulting in a darker color and a more pronounced taste.

The strong flavors of this type of coffee pair well with the smoothness of cold brew. So if you prefer your cold brew to have a richer and more robust profile, then using dark roast coffee is definitely worth trying out!

Pike Place Roast

Pike Place Roast is one of the best Starbucks coffee beans for cold brew. It is a medium roast coffee that offers a smooth and balanced flavor profile. This roast is known for its rich aroma, with notes of chocolate and toasted nuts.

When brewed as a cold brew, Pike Place Roast results in a refreshing and flavorful drink that coffee enthusiasts will enjoy. So if you’re looking to make your own cold brew at home using Starbucks coffee, be sure to give Pike Place Roast a try!

Fresh cold brew Starbucks coffee.

Kenya African Blend

The Kenya African Blend is one of the best Starbucks coffee beans for making cold brew. It is a combination of 70% Narino Colombia Supremo and 30% eastern African blend. This blend creates a unique flavor profile with hints of citrus and bright acidity, which adds an extra kick to your cold brew.

The Kenya African Blend provides a rich and aromatic experience, making it perfect for those who enjoy bold and complex flavors in their coffee.


Colombia is one of the coffee-growing regions where Starbucks sources its cold brew coffee beans. The cold brew grounds used by Starbucks are a blend of 70% Narino Colombia Supremo and 30% eastern African blend.

This combination creates a unique flavor profile with hints of brown sugar, giving their cold brew a light and smooth taste. So, when you enjoy a cup of Starbucks’ cold brew, you can savor the flavors brought by the Colombian coffee beans along with other carefully selected blends.

How to Make Cold Brew with Starbucks Coffee

To make cold brew with Starbucks coffee, you will need a large jar or pitcher, a coffee grinder (optional), and cold, filtered water. Start by coarsely grinding the Starbucks coffee beans or using pre-ground coffee if preferred.

Then, combine 1 cup of ground coffee with 4 cups of cold water in your jar or pitcher. Stir gently to ensure all the grounds are fully saturated. Cover and let the mixture steep in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours or up to 24 hours for a stronger flavor.

Once steeped, strain the cold brew through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into another container to remove any remaining grounds. Dilute with water if desired and serve over ice for a refreshing cup of homemade cold brew using Starbucks coffee.

Tools needed

For making cold brew coffee at home, you’ll need a few tools. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Coarse Ground Coffee: Choose your favorite Starbucks coffee beans for the best flavor.
  2. Large Jar or Container: Make sure it has a lid to cover and steep the coffee.
  3. Water: Use cold, filtered water for the best taste.
  4. Measuring Cup or Scale: To measure the right amount of coffee grounds and water.
  5. Strainer or Cheesecloth: To separate the coffee grounds from the liquid after steeping.
  6. Pitcher or Glass Bottle: To store and serve your cold brew coffee.
  7. Ice Cubes (optional): If you like your cold brew chilled, add some ice cubes when serving.

Steps to making cold brew

Making cold brew coffee is easy and simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Start with a clean container: Make sure your container is clean and free from any lingering flavors or residue.
  2. Grind the coffee beans: Use a coarse grind setting on your coffee grinder. This will help extract the flavors without making the brew too bitter.
  3. Add coffee grounds to the container: Pour your desired amount of coffee grounds into the container. A general rule of thumb is to use a ratio of 1 part coffee to 4 parts water.
  4. Add cold water: Slowly pour cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds until they are fully immersed in water.
  5. Stir gently: Give the mixture a gentle stir to ensure all of the coffee grounds are saturated and evenly distributed.
  6. Cover and steep: Place a lid or cover on the container and let it steep at room temperature for at least 12 hours, or up to 24 hours for a stronger brew.
  7. Strain the coffee concentrate: Once steeping is complete, use a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to strain out the coffee grounds, separating them from the liquid concentrate.
  8. Dilute and serve: To enjoy your cold brew, dilute it with an equal amount of water or milk, depending on your preference. Serve over ice and sweeten if desired.
Best Coffee For Cold Brew Starbucks.  Coffee being poured into a cup.

Serving and Enjoying Cold Brew

To serve and enjoy your cold brew, pour it over ice and add any desired sweeteners or milk. Experiment with different flavors by adding vanilla or caramel syrup. Get creative with your presentation by garnishing with a slice of orange or cinnamon stick.

Sip slowly to savor the smooth, rich flavor of your homemade Starbucks cold brew.

Tips for serving cold brew

Here are some tips for serving cold brew coffee:

  1. Pour it over ice: Cold brew is best enjoyed over ice to bring out its refreshing flavors.
  2. Add your favorite milk or creamer: Customize your cold brew by adding a splash of milk or creamer for a creamy and smooth taste.
  3. Experiment with sweeteners: If you prefer a sweeter taste, add a drizzle of syrup, honey, or sugar to enhance the flavors of your cold brew.
  4. Garnish with fresh ingredients: Add a sprig of mint, a slice of citrus fruit, or a cinnamon stick to elevate the presentation and add subtle aromas to your cold brew.
  5. Serve in a tall glass: Cold brew is meant to be sipped slowly, so serve it in a tall glass that allows you to enjoy every sip.
  6. Store leftovers in the fridge: If you have leftover cold brew, store it in an airtight container and keep it refrigerated for up to one week.

Recipes for cold brew desserts

I love experimenting with different ways to enjoy cold brew coffee. Here are a few delicious dessert recipes you can try using your Starbucks cold brew:

  1. Cold Brew Popsicles:
  • Mix 2 cups of cold brew with 1/4 cup of sweetened condensed milk.
  • Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 6 hours.
  • Enjoy a refreshing and creamy treat on a hot day!
  1. Cold Brew Affogato:
  • Scoop a generous amount of vanilla ice cream into a glass.
  • Pour cold brew over the ice cream until it’s fully covered.
  • Add a drizzle of caramel or chocolate syrup for an extra indulgence.
  1. Cold Brew Milkshake:
  • In a blender, combine 1 cup of cold brew, 2 cups of vanilla ice cream, and 1/4 cup of milk.
  • Blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Serve in tall glasses with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
  1. Cold Brew Tiramisu:
  • Dip ladyfingers into cold brew and layer them in a dish.
  • Spread a layer of mascarpone cheese mixed with a little sugar on top.
  • Repeat the layers until you reach the desired height.
  • Dust with cocoa powder before serving.
  1. Cold Brew Chocolate Mousse:
  • Melt dark chocolate in a microwave – safe bowl, then let it cool slightly.
  • In another bowl, whip chilled heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
  • Fold the melted chocolate into the whipped cream, then add 1/4 cup of cold brew and gently mix.
  • Spoon the mousse into individual ramekins and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Conclusion on Best Coffee For Cold Brew Starbucks

Starbucks offers some great coffee options for making cold brew at home. Whether you prefer a medium roast or a darker variation, their coffee beans are perfect for creating a smooth and refreshing cold brew.

With the right tools and steps, you can enjoy a delicious cup of cold brew coffee that rivals your favorite Starbucks drink. So go ahead and give it a try!

Is the Coffee That Tastes Like Chocolate Suitable for Making Cold Brew?

Is the best chocolate-flavored coffee delight suitable for making cold brew? Many coffee enthusiasts wonder if this rich and indulgent flavor profile will translate well when brewed cold. The answer lies in personal preference. While some may enjoy the unique combination of chocolate and cold brew, others may find it too overpowering. Ultimately, it’s up to individual taste buds to determine the compatibility of this delightful blend.

FAQs on Best Coffee For Cold Brew Starbucks

1. What kind of coffee is best for making cold brew at Starbucks?

For making cold brew at Starbucks, the best type of coffee to use is a medium-to-dark roast with a coarse grind.

2. Can I use any type of coffee for cold brew at Starbucks?

Yes, you can use any type of coffee for cold brew at Starbucks, but it’s recommended to choose a medium-to-dark roast blend for the best flavor.

3. How long should I steep the coffee when making cold brew at Starbucks?

When making cold brew at Starbucks, it’s typically recommended to steep the coffee grounds in water for 12-24 hours to achieve a smooth and flavorful result.

4. Can I make cold brew at home using Starbucks pre-packaged ground coffee?

Yes, you can make cold brew at home using Starbucks pre-packaged ground coffee by following their instructions on the package or adjusting your recipe based on personal preference.

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