Where To Buy Coarse Ground Coffee




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Learning where to buy coarse ground coffee can be a real grind. I know this first-hand because I’ve spent too much time scouring supermarkets and online platforms searching for quality coarse ground coffee like you.

Good news: after extensive research and many cups brewed, I’ve compiled all the information you need about where to buy this essential ingredient for your favorite brew. Let’s dive in and discover these hidden gems together!

Key Takeaways

  • When buying coarse ground coffee, factors include price, brand, flavor, roast type, special offers, customer rating, and special diet needs.
  • Coarse ground coffee is ideal for brewing methods like French press, percolator, and cold brew.
  • Recommended brands of coarse-ground coffee include Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee, Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee, and Primos Coffee Co.

Factors to Consider When Buying Coarse Ground Coffee

Price, brand, flavor, roast type, special offers, customer rating, and special diet needs are all important factors to consider when purchasing coarse ground coffee.


Pricing for coarse ground coffee can vary significantly based on factors such as the brand, where you buy it, and whether it’s an organic or single-origin product. I’ve seen quality brands like Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee and Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee generally have a higher price tag due to their top-notch quality.

On the other end of the spectrum, Walmart offers affordable options, making it easy for anyone to enjoy a great cup of Joe without breaking the bank. To make your purchasing process seamless, there are buying guides available that can help you choose wisely based on your budget constraints.

No matter how much you want to spend, there’s bound to be a delicious coarse ground coffee option that fits your budget.


When buying coarse ground coffee, the brand you choose can make a big difference in your brewing experience. Plenty of options are available, but some brands stand out for their quality and flavor.

Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee is popular for its smooth and rich taste, perfect for making refreshing cold brews. For those who prefer a darker roast, Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee offers a bold and robust flavor that will satisfy any coffee lover’s cravings.

Whether you’re looking for organic options or specific roast levels, exploring different brands will help you find the perfect coarse ground coffee to suit your taste preferences and brewing methods.


I love experimenting with different flavors when it comes to my coffee. That’s why I always look for options that offer a variety of flavors in coarse ground coffee. Whether you prefer a bold and rich dark roast or something milder like medium roast, plenty of brands cater to your taste preferences.

Brands like Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee and Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee offer delicious flavor profiles that are sure to satisfy any coffee lover. So if you enjoy exploring different flavors in their daily cup of joe, be sure to check out these options!

Roast Type grinder on table

Roast Type

When it comes to choosing coarse ground coffee, the roast type plays a crucial role in determining the flavor profile of your brew. Whether you prefer a light, medium, or dark roast is a matter of personal preference.

Light roasts offer a crisp and bright flavor with subtle acidity, while medium roasts have a balanced taste with slightly more body. If you enjoy bold and smoky flavors, then dark roasts are the way to go.

Each roast type brings its own unique characteristics to your cup of coffee, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find your perfect match.

Special Offers

I love a good deal, and special offers can make buying course ground coffee even more exciting. Many online retailers offer discounts and promotions on their coffee products, allowing you to get your favorite brands at a lower price.

Some brands may also have special bundle deals or subscription services that can save you money in the long run. Make sure to keep an eye out for these special offers when purchasing your coarse ground coffee online.

You never know what kind of great deal you might find!

Customer Rating

When buying coarse ground coffee, customer ratings can provide valuable insights. As a concierge enthusiast, I know that getting recommendations from other customers who have already tried the coffee can help make a decision.

By looking at customer ratings, you can get an idea of the overall quality and taste of the coffee. You may find that certain brands consistently receive high ratings for their coarse ground coffee, indicating that they are well-loved by customers.

On the other hand, if a particular brand has low ratings or negative reviews, it might be best to steer clear and explore other options instead. So before making your purchase, take some time to read customer reviews and consider their experiences with different brands of coarse ground coffee.

Special Diet Needs

I understand some of you may have special diet needs regarding your coffee. Whether you’re following a gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegan diet, options are available.

Many brands offer organic and fair-trade coffee beans that cater to various dietary preferences. For those who require low-acid coffee, specific roasts and blends are designed to be gentler on the stomach.

Additionally, if you prefer decaffeinated coffee, coarse ground options are also available. So no matter what your special diet needs may be, rest assured that you can still enjoy a delicious cup of coffee tailored to your preferences.

Importance of Coffee Grind Size

Importance of Coffee Grind Size

The importance of coffee grind size cannot be overstated. It directly affects the flavor and strength of your brew, making it an essential factor to consider when brewing your morning cup of coffee.

The grind size determines how quickly the water extracts flavors from the coffee beans, with different sizes resulting in different extraction rates.

For coarse ground coffee, which has larger particles compared to fine or medium ground, the water takes longer to extract flavors. This slower extraction process brings out a milder flavor profile and allows for a smoother brew.

Coarse ground coffee is ideal for brewing methods like French press, percolator, and cold brew as it allows for a more even extraction and prevents over-extraction that can lead to bitterness.

On the other hand, using the wrong grind size can result in under-extraction or over-extraction. If you use too fine of a grind for your chosen brewing method, you may end up with an overly bitter cup due to over-extraction.

On the flip side, if you use too coarse of a grind for methods like espresso or pour-over, you may end up with weak and watery coffee due to under-extraction.

It’s crucial to experiment with different grind sizes based on your preferred brewing method to achieve optimal results and unlock all the delicious flavors in your coffee beans. Understanding how each grind size affects the taste will help you tailor your brewing process to suit your personal preferences and ensure a satisfying cup of joe every time.

Recommended Brewing Methods for Coarse Ground Coffee

I recommend using a French press, percolator, or cold brew method for brewing coarse ground coffee.

French Press

French press is one of the recommended brewing methods for coarse ground coffee. It’s a simple and straightforward way to make a delicious cup of joe. To brew using a French press, you’ll need coarsely ground coffee beans, hot water, and a French press pot.

Simply add the coffee grounds to the pot, pour in hot water, let it steep for a few minutes, then press down on the plunger to separate the grounds from the liquid. This method allows for maximum extraction of flavors from the coffee beans and produces a rich and full-bodied brew that many coffee enthusiasts love.

So if you’re looking for a flavorful and aromatic cup of coarse ground coffee, give French press brewing method a try!


I love using a percolator to make my morning coffee. The coarse ground coffee is perfect for this brewing method, as it allows the water to flow through the grounds and extract all those delicious flavors.

With a percolator, you can enjoy a rich and bold cup of coffee that is full of body and aroma. It’s easy to find coarse ground coffee for your percolator at online retailers like Amazon or Walmart.

You can also check out specialty coffee shops or even directly from the brand’s website. So whether you’re camping, hosting a brunch party, or simply enjoying a quiet morning at home, brewing with a percolator and coarse ground coffee will give you an amazing cup every time.

Cold Brew

I love a good cup of cold brew coffee on a hot summer day. The process for making cold brew is different from traditional brewing methods, as it involves steeping coarse ground coffee in cold water for an extended period of time.

This slow extraction method produces a smooth and less acidic coffee concentrate that can be diluted with water or milk to create your desired strength and flavor. Cold brew coffee is known for its bold taste and low acidity, making it a favorite among many coffee enthusiasts.

To make your own cold brew at home, you can easily find coarse ground coffee online or at specialty shops. Some popular brands that offer coarse ground options specifically for cold brew include Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee and Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee.

Top 10 Coarse Ground Coffee Brands, lady with coffee cup

Top 10 Coarse Ground Coffee Brands

Choosing the right brand of coarse ground coffee can be a game-changer for your morning routine. Here’s my recommended top 10 brands that every coffee enthusiast should consider:

1. Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee: This brand is known for its robust and smooth flavor. It’s ideal for cold brew methods.

2. Stone Cold Jo Dark Roast Organic Coffee: This coffee is both organic and fair trade, making it a responsible and delicious choice.

3. Primos Coffee Co: They offer French Press Coffee in coarse ground and medium roast variations. It’s a must-try for French press fanatics.

4. Death Wish Coffee: This super-strong coffee is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re looking for a jolt to start your day, this is the one.

5. Cafe Du Monde Coffee Chicory: This unique blend combines coffee and chicory for a distinct flavor.

6. Peet’s Coffee Major Dickason’s Blend: A rich, complex, and full-bodied coffee that’s perfect for those who enjoy bold flavors.

7. Lavazza Crema e Gusto Ground Coffee Blend: This Italian brand offers a uniquely intense and creamy espresso experience.

8. Volcanica Coffee, Costa Rica Peaberry: This is a rich, full-bodied coffee with a smooth chocolate flavor. Perfect for special occasions or as a treat.

9. Kicking Horse Coffee, Three Sisters: An organically grown, fair trade coffee with a blend of light, medium, and dark roasts for a complex flavor profile.

10. Starbucks French Roast Dark Roast Ground Coffee: The timeless classic, Starbuck’s French roast, is hard to beat for consistency and universal appeal.

Each of these brands brings its unique flavor profile and qualities, ensuring there’s something for everyone’s taste.

Where to Buy Coarse Ground Coffee

Where to Buy Coarse Ground Coffee

You can find various options for coarse ground coffee at online retailers, local grocery stores, specialty coffee shops, and directly from the brand’s website. Don’t miss out on discovering your new favorite brew!

Online retailers

I love shopping for coarse ground coffee online because it offers convenience and a wide range of options. Here are some great online retailers where you can find the perfect coarse ground coffee:

  1. Amazon – This popular e-commerce platform has an extensive selection of coarse ground coffee from various brands.
  2. Specialty Coffee Websites – Websites dedicated to specialty coffee often offer a curated collection of high-quality coarse ground coffee beans.
  3. Coffee Subscription Services – Many subscription services deliver freshly roasted coarse ground coffee to your doorstep regularly.
  4. Roasters’ Websites – Some coffee roasters have their own websites where they sell their unique blends and single-origin coarse ground coffee.
  5. Online Coffee ShopsOnline coffee shops provide a convenient way to browse and purchase different types of coarse ground coffee.
  6. Organic Food Retailers – Several organic food retailers have an online presence and offer organic, fair-trade, and sustainable coarse ground coffee options.

Local grocery stores

I have found that local grocery stores are a convenient and easily accessible option to buy coarse ground coffee. Here are some advantages of purchasing from local grocery stores:

  • Wide variety of brands and options
  • Affordable prices
  • Ability to see and compare different brands in person
  • Opportunity to support local businesses
  • Convenience of picking up coffee along with other groceries

Specialty coffee shops

Specialty coffee shops are a great place to buy coarse ground coffee. They offer a wide selection of high-quality beans and knowledgeable staff to guide you in choosing the perfect grind size for your brewing method. In addition, specialty coffee shops often have unique and artisanal blends that can’t be found elsewhere. These shops source their beans from various regions, ensuring a diverse range of flavors and profiles. So, if you’re looking for a truly exceptional cup of coffee, consider visiting a specialty coffee shop near you.

Directly from the brand’s website

I highly recommend purchasing coarse ground coffee directly from the brand’s website. Here are a few reasons why:

  • You can have direct access to a wide selection of products and flavors.
  • The brand’s website often offers exclusive deals and discounts for online customers.
  • Buying from the brand’s website ensures that you are getting fresh, high – quality coffee.
  • You can read customer reviews and ratings to help you make an informed decision.
  • Some brands offer subscription services, allowing you to have your favorite coarse ground coffee delivered regularly.
  • By purchasing directly from the brand’s website, you support small businesses and local roasters.

Conclusion on Where To Buy Coarse Ground Coffee 💭

When it comes to buying coarse ground coffee, online retailers are your best bet. They offer a wide variety of brands and options that you can conveniently browse through from the comfort of your home.

So skip the hassle of searching in stores and start exploring the world of coarse ground coffee online today!

FAQs on Where To Buy Coarse Ground Coffee

1. Can I buy coarse ground coffee at a grocery store?

Yes, you can typically find coarse ground coffee at most grocery stores in the coffee aisle.

2. Can I purchase coarse ground coffee online?

Yes, many online retailers offer a wide selection of coarse ground coffee that can be delivered right to your doorstep.

3. Are there any specialty shops where I can buy coarse ground coffee?

Yes, specialty coffee shops often carry a variety of grind sizes, including coarse ground options. You may also find local roasters who offer freshly ground coarse coffee.

4. Can I grind whole beans into coarse grounds myself?

Yes, if you have a grinder at home or access to one, you can easily grind whole beans into coarser grounds for your preferred brewing method.

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